Sunvine Africa

Clean energy & sustainability

We are committed to bring sustainability closer to rural and often women in off-grid communities by innovating, manufacturing and providing access to renewable energy solutions.


Engage communities towards achieving over 90% energy access with adaptive capacity to tackle climate change.


Promote access to innovative energy solutions and build credible climate action capacity for the rural and off-grid communities of Kenya

Our Goal

Together, we believe we can help address the adverse effects of climate change among the rural, off-grid and often remote of the remote communities in East Africa

social industrial cookstove


Manufacturing Clean cookstoves + Gas Table Top Burners

We look to manufacture more than 3000 cookstoves for institutions in the next 2 years. Manufacture and distribute more than 10,000 gas table top burners in the next 2 years.

0 +


0 kw +

Energy Impact

0 tons +

Carbon Savings

Our Partners

We have been priviledged to partner with various institutions.

Get in touch

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Value, Innovation, Excellence.

We are committed to bring access to clean, safe, affordable and reliable sources of energy.